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Our purpose is to provide oversight for all Austin SHRM’s communication via social forums and social media outlets.  

We do this by striving to accomplish these goals:

  • Create, organize and present relevant and concise information to Austin SHRM members for the purpose of educating and advancing the Human Resource professional while leveraging social media platforms to communicate with Austin SHRM stakeholders in an innovative and practical way.
  • Establish forward thinking, creative solutions to enhance communication and event opportunities for the benefit of Austin SHRM Members.

Program and volunteer opportunity with the communications committee:

Professional & Social Forum Editors - This exciting new role is responsible for contributing, editing, and disseminating content via social media platforms.  Ensure the distribution of high quality information using current technologies for optimizing outcomes in collaboration with other Austin SHRM committees, members, and partners.

Meet our Vice President of the Austin SHRM Communication Committee Derek Curlee

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